Four things that make burial quilts so special
Photo Credit: Larkspur Conservation, Nature Preserve for Natural Burial in Tennessee
Burial quilts are uniquely well-suited for end-of-life care. Quilts, more than any other art form, have a long history of
providing comfort
memorializing a legacy
creating a sense of home
They are a unique choice and the perfect choice for many people for a variety of reasons:
Burial quilts can be enjoyed in life. We can’t say the same about caskets and urns. People often keep these quilts on their beds, sleep under them at night, and use them for years before they pass away. This time creates a strong and special bond between the person and the quilt.
Burial quilts allow for a natural burial. Similar to using a burial shroud, they provide some cover between the body and the earth that will eventually biodegrade. But unlike a burial shroud, burial quilts lead a double life: you can use them on your bed long before they’re ever needed for the funeral.
Burial quilts can be made of significant fabrics. A custom-made burial quilt can be made of old clothes from loved ones. This creates a special space for loved ones, both already deceased and living, to be present at a burial.
Burial quilts can be colorful and celebratory. Who says funerals need to be all black and white? We often send beautiful bouquets of flowers to funerals. Why not dress the body of our loved ones in similar hues?