Why should I use a burial quilt?
Quilts, more than any other art form, have a long history of to draw from that makes it a natural choice for end-of-life alternatives. Consider this:
Quilts are made to provide comfort: Quilts are soft, they keep us warm, they protect us. If we think of death as the long sleep, its’ natural to want to wrap up in a quilt.
Quilts can memorialize a legacy: Quilts can be made of significant fabrics or in the favorite colors of your choosing. The image of a burial quilt shrouding a body— soft and colorful— will long be a part of the memory of your loved ones.
Quilts create a sense of home: Quilts are symbols of domesticity. They cover the heart of the most private room in our house. It makes sense then that we may want to take a quilt with us to the grave.
Making decisions about end-of-life care is a deeply personal subject. If you’d like to talk more about burial quilts, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email me.