Can I use a burial quilt if I plan on using a coffin?

Yes. Some people choose to use a burial quilt in conjunction with a casket. Burial quilts that are going to be used with a casket should be a little thinner, since space is more limited. This can be accomplished by using a thinner batting in the middle. Adding a burial quilt to a casket can be a beautiful way to bring a little softness and color to the funeral, while still planning a more traditional ceremony.

Many people who like the idea of allowing the body to return naturally to the earth may choose either a simple wooden casket like this one, or eschew a casket all together and bury the body in a quilt-shrouded wrap.

Photo Credit: Larkspur Conservation, Nature Preserve for Natural Burial in Tennessee

Photo Credit: Larkspur Conservation, Nature Preserve for Natural Burial in Tennessee


Can I use a burial quilt if I plan to get cremated?


Top twelve things people tuck in the folds of a burial quilt